Home Participation/conference/sponsorship from MEDTEQ TechSantéQC 2021, the health and technology event of the 5th Semaine numériQc

TechSantéQC 2021, the health and technology event of the 5th Semaine numériQc

From artificial intelligence (AI) to data enhancement, via digital health, connected objects and immersive technologies: the applications of digital technology in the field of health are many and varied.

Innovation is at the service of patients and medicine, for the benefit of rehabilitation as well as prevention. Research teams, in companies as well as in academic and clinical environments, are developing innovative approaches and technologies as well as questioning the issues related to access to patient data or the security of existing systems.

Over the course of more than fifteen conferences and discussion panels, come take the pulse of these inspiring approaches during the first edition, offered in 100% virtual mode, of the TechSantéQC event, on April 12 and 13, 2021.

L’innovation se mets au service des patients et de la médecine, se place au profit de la réadaptation autant que de la prévention. Des équipes de recherche, en entreprise autant que dans les milieux académiques ou cliniques, développent des approches et des technologies innovantes autant que se questionnent sur les enjeux liés à l’accès aux données des patients ou à la sécurité des systèmes en place.

Au fil d’un peu plus d’une quinzaine de conférences ou panels de discussion, venez prendre le pouls de ces approches inspirantes lors de la première édition, offerte en mode 100% virtuel, de l’événement TechSantéQC, les 12 et 13 avril 2021.

The event is finished.


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