BeachheadTM call for proposals

This call for proposals aims to provide companies with privileged access to validation services in real healthcare settings and support for the generation of marketing evidence according to the methodology developed by the BeachheadTM Network. The selected companies will benefit from the network’s methodological support and guidance, provided by different groups of experts including clinicians, patients and health care administrators, all of whom are sensitive to the reality of these companies.

Companies are invited to submit projects to validate their innovations in real healthcare settings, targeting as much as possible one or more sites in the BeachheadTM network according to the specific themes of these sites. Projects targeting several sites and/or several provinces/countries in the BeachheadTM network will be prioritised given the greater potential for commercial deployment and therefore impact. Projects related to digital health and using artificial intelligence will also be prioritised.


Examples of targeted themes

AI in health

Mental health and neuroscience

Aging and the continuum of care

Digital health

The Beachhead™ network

Les Centres d’Excellence du réseau BeachheadTM sont des établissements reconnus pour leur processus d’innovation et leur intérêt à soutenir et adopter des technologies innovantes en santé. Nous comptabilisons 9 centres d’Excellence à travers le Canada et 3 centres à l’international (Sheba Medical Center en Israël, Medical Valley en Allemagne, IHU à Strasbourg), chacun ayant une spécialité distincte.

o   Center: CHUM

o   Expertise: Artificial intelligence

o   Center: CUSM

o   Expertise: Surgical innovation

o   Center: CHU de Québec-Université Laval

o   Expertise: Customised implants and human performance

o   Center: Douglas / Neuro /

o   Expertise: Neuroscience, neurological diseases and mental health

o   Center: CIUSSS du Nord de l’ïle de Montréal

o   Expertise: Connected Health, Smart Home Care, Chronic Diseases

o   Center: Vancouver General Hospital

o   Expertise: Emergency medicine and artificial intelligence

o   Center: CIUSSS de l’Est de l’ïle de Montréal

o   Expertise: Aging and mental health

o Center: The Ottawa Hospital

o Expertise: Digital Health

o   Center: Medical Valley EMN

o   Expertise: Access to the European/German market

o   Center: Sheba Medical Center

o   Expertise: Artificial intelligence

o   Center: IHU Strabourg

o   Expertise: Surgery & Simulation