Improving access and quality of care in addiction medicine for Indigenous clientele in region - co-construction of a care trajectory, teaching and telehealth between the Listuguj Community and the CHUM


The Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal’s (CHUM) Addiction Medicine Service is commited to addressing the needs of Indigenous communities. However, the remote location of many of these communities limits their access to clinical services and makes it challenging for the CHUM to coordinate these services. In order to ensure access and effective care, services must be adapted to the geographic constraints and socio-cultural realities of each community, and clinical care should integrate the principles of Indigenous wellness.

This project is an innovative partnership between the CHUM, the Listuguj Community Health Center, and the Centre intégré de santé et des services sociaux (CISSS) de la Gaspésie. The goal is to improve access to specialized care in addiction medicine by ensuring clinical care and teaching via telehealth (REACTS) are adapted to the needs of Indigenous communities. An innovative aspect of the project is in the co-construction of a care trajectory that incorporates the culture, values, and ways of knowing and doing of Indigenous communities to reflect their holistic vision of wellness. Ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness and usefulness of this care trajectory will allow all partners to work togther to continuously improve specialized care in addiction medicine accessible from Indigenous communities.
