At your fingertips, best recovery-oriented practices - Phase II generalization


The CÉRRIS-CNESM pilot project “At your fingertips, best recovery-oriented practices” was implemented within mental health community support services (Phase I: five Quebec’s regions, 2015-2017). The Centre d’étude sur la réadaptation, le rétablissement et l’insertion sociale (CÉRRIS) et the Centre national d’excellence en santé mentale (CNESM, MSSS) have tested a knowledge-sharing model aimed at the appropriation of best practices in mental health.

Based on priority themes, the initiative enabled the production of a collaborative platform composed of a variety of techno-educational tools (video capsules, animation guides for reflective practices, best practices web files, etc.), useful in clinical support and reflective practice. Mental health practitioners, clinical supervisors, service users, family and key individuals can thus learn and exchange through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).

The evaluation results confirm the relevance of continuing the initiative. In Phase II, the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal (CEMTL: pilot region, Phase I) aims to maximize the impact on all the teams involved in providing local services (GMF, primary care services, community follow-up, ambulatory services) by deploying a mobile application accessible to all and providing access to the variety of tools. The CEMTL’s objectives aim to provide mental health practitioners, clinical supervisors and managers with the tools they need to reflect on current services and to transform, improve and intensify their practices in proximity services.
