Integration of brain and spinal MRIs automatized analysis technologies for neuroradiologist


Arctic Fox AI is a start-up company working on the development and commercialization of artificial intelligence, specifically deep learning, applications for the interpretation of brain and spinal cord images. These technologies aim to improve the accuracy and speed of diagnosis for central nervous system diseases while increasing the efficiency, reproducibility and productivity of radiologists work.
Arctic Fox AI has developed an end-to-end brain volumetry analysis technology, based on deep learning, and is collaborating with an academic partner (Dr. Cohen-Adad) to market a quantitative spinal cord analysis software. The objective of this project is to integrate a brain and spinal cord analysis software into the CHUM image analysis system (PACS), develop an optimal user interface, and prospectively test the impact of the software on radiologists’ work and diagnosis for 100 brain MRIs and 100 spinal MRIs.
Through a collaboration between the CHUM, the industrial partner, and the academic partner, our team will provide access to these imaging analysis softwares to Dr. Laurent Létourneau-Guillon (neuroradiologist) and his colleagues. Users will provide continuous performance feedback in order to assess the percentage of failures (i.e., software errors). We will also measure the software’s impact on inter- and intra-observer variability. Finally, we will assess the software’s impact on the duration of MRI image analysis as well as on diagnostic confidence and accuracy.
