Ultra-personalization of patients menus


Malnutrition is an omnipresent burden which has negative impacts on the general and nutritional health of patients, and which generates significant costs for the healthcare network. To ensure optimal nutritional status and meet the individual needs of patients, nutritionists assess their needs and dietetic technicians customize the available food choices. Significant efforts are required to screen for malnutrition, assess nutritional needs, communicate between stakeholders and personalize menus.

Nutritek is an SME that designs and develops the WinVision solution, an essential tool for the effective management of menus at the CHUM and used in several healthcare institutions in Quebec. Being aware of the challenges involved in screening, in effective evaluation of nutritional needs and personalization of menus, Nutritek has developed two innovations to support nutritionists and dietetics technicians, namely the dietetic module and the calibration engine. The synergy of these innovations makes it possible to increase the efficiency of managing the nutritional status of patients by these professionals and to offer ultra-personalized menus automatically thanks to the principles of artificial intelligence.

The objective of the project is to pilot and implement these two modules in synergy in order to increase the efficiency of patient care where nutrition is such an important issue.
