Validation Networks

Learn more about our validation networks
such as RÉIS And Beachhead™ centres.

MEDTEQ+ provides its members with validation networks designed to assess relevance, test technology in real-life settings and obtain evidence to better meet user needs which ensures that innovations are rigorously tested and adapted to market requirements.

Thanks to our RÉIS network (Réseau d’évaluation en innovation en santé) and the twenty or so Beachhead™ and Beachhead™ envisAGE centres, companies benefit from strategic support in clinical validation, for accelerated adoption of new healthcare solutions.

Acces recognized validation networks across Canada to validate your projects, obtain evidence accelerate the commercialization of your health technology innovations.

Networks for Evaluation and Innovation in Healthcare

The mission of RÉIS is to connect and ensure collaboration between health technology companies in Quebec and the health and social service institutions that are members of RÉIS, to accelerate the development, evaluation and implementation, in Quebec and elsewhere, of innovations that meet the health needs of populations.


To create a collaborative environment conducive to the development and evaluation of technologies that meet the needs of their users and healthcare systems, fostering implementation and adoption by local, national and international healthcare environments.

Strategic objectives

  • Facilitate access to expertise and to environments or clienteles that are representative of the target market.
  • Develop and optimize collaboration between companies and health and social service institutions in Quebec at all stages of health technology development and assessment.
  • Identify, develop and share best practices in health technology development and assessment that support the implementation and adoption of these innovations.

Members of RÉIS

The deployment of RÉIS began in 2021, with a call for proposals issued by MEDTEQ+ to establishments in Quebec’s health and social services network (RSSS). The aim was to finance the creation or consolidation of expert teams within establishments, dedicated to supporting and collaborating with companies in the healthcare technology sector, at all stages of innovation development.

Following this call, 6 RSSS establishments received financial assistance from the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie (MEIE) and the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS), thus becoming members of RÉIS.

MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™

The envisAGE Beachheads

As centres of expertise that measure benefits and impacts, the Beachheads help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) compete in the growing AgeTech market, by facilitating evidence gathering, real-world technology evaluation and integration, and knowledge transfer for the commercialization of innovative solutions.

The Beachheads work closely with SMEs and Community Labs (organizations that work with older people and caregivers) to integrate technology solutions. They will support collaborative projects with their dedicated resources and expertise, validate the scope of the chosen technology, document the challenges, facilitate implementation in a real-world environment, and rigorously measure the impacts to encourage market acquisition of the solution.

Discover the envisAGE Beachheads Network
envisage icon

The Global Beachhead™ Network

MEDTEQ+ - Innover pour la santé
Montréal, Québec

6 MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™

  • Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal
  • Institut de recherche Centre universitaire de santé McGill
  • Université McGill et Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital Douglas
  • CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • Centre hospitalier universitaire Ste-Justine
  • CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

3 envisAGE Beachhead™ 

  • CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • Le Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Toronto, Ontario

1 MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™ 

  • University Health Network and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

1 envisAGE Beachhead™

  • Institut ontarien du cerveau
Ottawa, Ontario

1 MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™

  • The Ottawa Hospital and The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

1 envisAGE Beachhead™ 

  • Santé Bruyère
Vancouver, British Colombia

1 MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™

  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Edmonton, Alberta

1 MEDTEQ+ et envisAGE Beachhead™

  • Alberta Health Services
Strasbourg, France

1 MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™

  • Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire de Strasbourg
Bavière, Allemagne

1 MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™

  • Medical Valley EMN
Ramat Gan, Israël

1 MEDTEQ+ Beachhead™

  • Sheba Medical Center

Advantages of Validation Networks

For Industry

  • Confirmation of product/market suitability
  • Technology enhancement is based on real-world use
  • Collection of evidence-based data
  • Opportunities to demonstrate the clinical and economic benefits of the technology and strengthen business plans.

For Investors

  • Control of investment risk
  • Familiarization with the development and commercialization of medical technologies

For Centres of Excellence

  • Privileged access to the best medical technologies, based on their measured value
  • Enhanced reputation for clinical excellence in innovation and innovation integration