The only Canadian concept backed by a grant from the NFL was created by Kollide and ÉTS

Montreal, July 15, 2020. The Kollide-ÉTS team, consisting of a consortium of…

MEDTEQ Invest affirms its top position as a Canadian public investor

Three new investments made in health-tech startups Montreal, May 6, 2020 –…

Resources and call for solutions against COVID-19

Resources and call for solutions against COVID-19 NSERC Alliance Grants…

COVID-19 - Call for technological solutions and ideas

MEDTEQ has offered the governments of Canada and Quebec its full collaboration…

$2.6M to fight cancer using innovative technologies and artificial intelligence

Montreal, December 11, 2019 - The Oncopole, the MEDTEQ Consortium, the…

MEDTEQ’s Investment Fund announces 8 investments in Canadian health technology companies

MEDTEQ’s Investment Fund announces 8 investments in Canadian health technology…